And how they do grow even if not planted in the dirt!

And how they do grow even if not planted in the dirt!
Cap'n Thatch

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My GRILL it is a callin'

My Grill it s a callin'..............................................
AT LONG last, I met up with my personal favorite kitchen appliance patio grill. I usually have little problem using it all winter but this year has been entirely too cold. Vacation time this week eventually led me back to that big burnin' hunk of cold steel. Fabulous steak, portabello shrooms, zucchini, salad and some creamy garlic Parmesan grits. YUMMY! It is good to be back.

Anyway, what a crazy year it has been. Even vacation/spring break has been a total un-vacation so far. Much to do.....Much to do. I did find time this week to shop for all new bedding to go with my recently painted bedroom (thank you painter dude Branden Brakie). Isn't it amazing how thrilled a person can be over new bedding particularly when it includes 800 thread count sheets.... OHHHHH Be still my beating heart. It is nearly like moving into a new home. Must be a sign that I am actually a grown up. NAHHHH... NEVER!

My dear friend Mary lost her mother today. She is the baby of a very large family and had done everything a perfect daughter could ever do for a mother. She is a true blessing to her mother; a special gift from God. I am so proud of all she has done over the last several years to make her mom as comfortable as possible. God's love is with Mary, her mom and their family today.

When the big events happen, it gives cause to put the day to day trials and challenges in perspective. It makes me grateful for having people like Mary in my life. I cannot fathom my world without her though we are all here temporarily. We borrow the air and time and eventually pay it back. I pray that I find ways to touch the life of another as I have seen her do so many times with her larger than life heart.

Whitney and her best friend Krista went to Florida on spring break. They took Thatcher to see my in-laws. Here he is only 1 year old and already on his second trip to Florida. Until this week, we had not been away from him for more than 2 days. As one might imagine, we are ready for them to be home. That little bundle of joy wears us out but our hearts have a big hole while he is gone. Another blessing for which I will eternally praise God at least until the terrible two's kick in.

Hugs and kisses kids. Just come home safely.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Ohhh the February Flubbers

Flubber...what a fun word. Flubber Flubber Flubber. I don't care how down a person is, if you click your heals and say flubber three times, all will be right again.

School is well underway in the Becht household. I get a weekly lesson in anatomy and diseases from Whitney. I am gaining knowledge on how to critique artwork ('cuz that will be an enormous asset to a banker!). Color, composition, blah, blah, blah....... Nick continues about his merry way with his precious girlfriend, school and his guitar. David's classes are apparently WAY too easy this last semester. NOT FAIR!

I have been so into the cold this year. Could it be that the hot hormones enjoy being cooled. I think perhaps it is true. Rather dreading the heat of summer. So much to do yet this month still. Mega classwork to do, mega career work and somewhere squeeze in time for the family and friends.

Looking forward to friends and family coming over for fajitas and the Superbowl on Sunday! Go big blue!

My dear friend from high school, Pam has been reminding me of how therapeutic baking can be. This is the perfect weather for the aroma of a warm apple pie. Give me strength to just imagine the scent of cinnamon and sugar spilling over in the oven. That will minimize the caloric intake.

Well Ground Hog Day is over. Off to bed and hopefully to sleep for at least 4 straight hours...those darn hormones!

Flubber, Flubber, Flubber

Sunday, January 24, 2010

New Year.... Opportunity for New Experiences

It has been a very insane post-holiday season. Each January in my world presents what feels like insurmountable expectations and deadlines in my professional career. Each January in my world is a month to not only survive but reflect upon and make decisions on how to make the next one a little less trying on me and ALL those poor souls who must survive me.

We are rapidly approaching the one year anniversary of the birth of Thatcher Wyatt Becht, the light of our life in the Becht household. He is incredibly happy and healthy and quite honestly, owns our home. His mom is diligently planning a wonderful party beginning with a most creative invitation that will be mailed very soon. I won't share the theme but I will tell you that the invitation creation process is stinking up my house. Now aren't you intrigued?

School of course is back in full bloom long before spring. Whit is finishing her second (and last) semester at Ivy Tech before transferring to USI. David is finishing his last semester before graduating. Nick is in semester #2 at USI and I again, the perpetual student have a night class as well. 18 hours after this semester before setting the next education goal. All this of course takes significant coordination to keep Cap'n Thatch from having to go to daycare. So far .... so good.

So in spite of the usual January stress or perhaps because of it, February is looking better all the time. Spring can't come fast enough for us this year. That beautiful little boy is going to bring the entire family outdoor to play and chase and dig in the dirt! And oh my...I do love to dig in the dirt!

2009 was a year of blessings. 2010 will be no less. God has a plan for each and every one of us. Our job is to simply follow Him down the path he has chosen for us.