And how they do grow even if not planted in the dirt!

And how they do grow even if not planted in the dirt!
Cap'n Thatch

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Musings for Thanksgiving

Thankful...hmmmm. Well let me see.....
Family....yes, yes...certainly something to be thankful for there.
Friends...absolutely thankful for them at all times.
Health...heavens yes because we all know how that has gone at times!
Happiness...makes me smile.
Then of course there is all the yucky stuff going around us in all the world. I must be thankful for those things too for without the bad, how would I know what good is and then how could I be grateful and then how could we even have a Thanksgiving if we didn't know what there was to be thankful for because there was not bad to make the good look good. OH MY! Follow the yellow brick road.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Debbie,

    So true--if it weren't for the hard times, we wouldn't be able to fully appreciate the good times. Thanks for the reminder. And thanks for being my friend all these years! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Give that sweet grandbaby a squeeze from "Aunt Pam!"

