And how they do grow even if not planted in the dirt!

And how they do grow even if not planted in the dirt!
Cap'n Thatch

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Miles to Go Before I Sleep...Miles to Go Before I Sleep

Sometimes life just has too many to do lists. I currently have so many that I am not quite sure where all those lists are. There is the work list and then the family list and of course the school list and oh wait...the grandbaby list. Now I just need a list to tell me where I put all the other lists.
The way I see it, I have 3 options.
1. I can spend my time continuing to lament and fret over how to get all the lists completed.
2. I could just toss the lists into the proverbial trash (If I can find them that is!)
3. I could just shut up and start doing the to do list.

Now we all know that Option #1 is a waste of time. No one wants to hear our grumbling and watch the fretting. Option #2 is just nonsensical. Why would I want to take all the work of creating the lists and put them out with the rest of the rubbish?

So, Option #3 it is unless someone out there has a better suggestion. So I went at work at 7:15 a.m. and left work at 7:20 p.m. Now that is not a FUN day however, I left having marked off 3 things from my work to do list for the day. Not bad. I am not EVEN telling you how many things are on that list though.

Tomorrow will bring more to dos than I have time to do. That's ok though. I will just prioritize, learn to live with letting some people down on occasion and realize that at the end of the day, all those to dos mean nothing unless they involve relationships and growth.

Miles to go....miles to go.....
I ramble on a bit too much..... Have a lovely rest of the week!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Musings for Thanksgiving

Thankful...hmmmm. Well let me see.....
Family....yes, yes...certainly something to be thankful for there.
Friends...absolutely thankful for them at all times.
Health...heavens yes because we all know how that has gone at times!
Happiness...makes me smile.
Then of course there is all the yucky stuff going around us in all the world. I must be thankful for those things too for without the bad, how would I know what good is and then how could I be grateful and then how could we even have a Thanksgiving if we didn't know what there was to be thankful for because there was not bad to make the good look good. OH MY! Follow the yellow brick road.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Sometimes Life's Lemonade is actually Sangria!

What a great week in my world. Not only did I complete my course plan to finally finish that degree... whoop whooop BUT my advisor advised me with some great advice! It seems that I can get 8 hours of credit for all that painful insurance and brokerage licensing with some documentation and a little more essay type writing. CHECK!

That will put me down to 24 hours to go... yes my friends....24 hours, a mere 8 classes and then I can start on that masters! OK... a girl can still dream.

With a little more diligence, discipline and diplomacy, I could actually finish about the time everyone else in my house finishes. Now how cute would that be? Everyone say aawwweeeeeee.

The pressure is on... Afterall, I did run around with the brainiac kids and need to catch up!

Monday, November 9, 2009

So What Did I learn Today?

Today I learned that most college-age students of today really can still be influenced when it comes to their moral direction. You just have to guide them to a different conclusion. That came about in an ethics class this evening as my eloquent and skillful instructor played devil's advocate to some pretty controversial topics - abortion and gay marriage. It was rather fascinating to watch and renewed my faith in their willingness to realize that their decisions really can impact others - which matters (particularly to those "others"). really isn't all about them. It is all about ME!

I learned that my decision to forego a wonderful week in Puerto Rico with my sister was probably the right decision. I have been home in beautiful weather as she sits in the rain! So sorry sis but as usual, I am being responsible.

Finally, I learned that no matter how much I take off the plate, it continues to be refilled by others. What is that about and how do I get it under control? Perhaps by first taking ownership of the plate. No more food goes on until I have eaten all those veggies already on it! Sounds like an excellent diet plan to me!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

And so it begins....

Technology is not my thing....just ask anyone who works with me! I am however, light years ahead of one particular friend in that regard. I won't mention who but Mary, you know who you are. While reading updates on some of my facebook friends' walls, I felt compelled to push even further into the world of technology and publicly blog. Now I must admit that I tend to sometimes get too much on the plate. That means I run the risk of falling flat on my face and never adding another update to my baby blog. But hey, I could go through life failing by taking risks or failing by avoiding risks. The first path sounds much more interesting to me! And at age 50, it is time to take a few risks.

It was a very beautiful day in my world. Sunshining, a wonderful drive and visit in my "work region". I love days like that. They make me smile. Not as much as my 8 month old incandescently beautiful grandson - Thatcher but that is a smile on a entirely different level.

Here is wishing all of you health, joy and eternal happiness and wishing me luck in remembering how to even get back into this blog!